How I Help


One-on-One Coaching

Shakila talks about the power of one-on-one coaching sessions

Personal attention. Confidential and open communication. Private sessions. Customized solutions. Nothing beats one-on-one coaching to help you uncover things holding you back and rediscover your-best-you.

Can Coaching Help You?

Ask yourself these questions to discover if you are a good candidate for personal coaching.

Do you feel comfortable outsourcing tasks?

Do you feel overwhelmed/stressed in day to day activities?

Are you satisfied with the time you spend with your family?

Do you have hobbies outside of dentistry?

Are you a practice owner?

Are you happy in your practice?

Do you feel like daily practice problems stay at the office or come home with you?

Do you think you have enough time to do the things you need to do?

How does one-on-one coaching work?

Through the magic of modern technology clients meet virtually with Shakila. This approach provides you convenience, comfort, and privacy. Coaching includes your one-on-one sessions, comprehensive assessments, supporting materials, and ongoing communication connections with Shakila.

How long will it take?

One-on-one coaching requires at least a three-month commitment. Based on your personal situation, Shakila will work with you to create a personalized coaching plan that fits you.

What can clients expect?

Clients who are willing to take action and make changes can expect to see a dynamic emotional shift that impacts every area of their life. Happier. Healthier. More fulfilled. Renewed passion for life, family, and work.


Connect with Shakila

Contact Shakila today to start on the path to a happier, healthier life.

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